Happy Birthday Mistie!

It was her birthday.  She’s a single mom, in fact, she is an excellent mother of two.  She works in the medical field.  She loves Jesus.  

In the last year, she has conquered much in her personal life including becoming healthier, walking away from an abusive relationship and chasing Jesus with passion.  He is loving her, transforming her and escorting her to freedom she has never known before.  

The setting was a day in March, just this year.  Fear and panic were just beginning to run rampant as guidelines for our state were becoming more restrictive on a daily basis due to the COVID-19 virus.  She was working.  Her first order of instruction, given their site’s closing, was to be allowed to stay home with her children and still receive some level of income.  

Not long after this initial decision, she was informed she would be going to Marion to work.  She didn’t mind.  The location would allow her to commute and life would remain next to normal. 

And then, yet another direction was established for her to go. She would be transferring to a hospital about 100 miles away.  This would be a taxing commute not to mention the time lost with family due to traveling each day.  But God was working on her behalf.  Of all the places she could have been sent, she had relatives in this area.  She and her children were allowed to stay with them to avoid a long commute.  This final instruction was far from what “normal” life looks like. Even though this meant an upheaval for not only her, but her children, she was willing to comply. 

These changes all happened within two hours…on her birthday.  Happy Birthday Mistie.  

In addition to this whirlwind of uncertainty, she would be working among patients with the COVID-19 virus.  I was able to talk to her shortly after she had transferred to her new location.  In general there was still so much unknown about the virus and a plethora of uncertainty overall.  

I was in awe at her perspective.  She shared with me that she had initially battled fear.  One of her major concerns was bringing the virus home to her children.  She told me how she changed clothes in the garage, came in the house, dropped clothes and the bag she had put them in all in the washer and went straight to the shower every day.  So far, she and her family were unaffected.  I asked her about numbers infected at the hospital.  We discussed the shortage of proper equipment for personnel.  The overall environment of her new situation, both at home and work, possessed many adjustments and even more unknowns.  

My eyes began to puddle as she shared very matter of factly, without fear, the truth about supplies, the effects of the virus, the reality of threat.  I commented that she seemed super peaceful, like peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7).  She shared that she had been fear filled until the Sunday before we spoke.  The enemy had fostered fear in her that resulted in enormous stress leading to anxiety attacks and emotional breakdowns.  She began to pray…and peace washed over her, with a confirmation of this is what she was made to do.  This was her purpose.  She explained that she entered the healthcare field because she has a passion to help people.  God had confirmed to her this was her moment to rise up and bring Him glory.  

Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.

Esther 4:14

I was crying, she was not.  What a beautiful story of submission, a stunning account of “no matter how I feel, no matter what I can see with my limited perspective–I will follow God’s leading.”  I was so touched, I asked her if I could blog about our interaction.  Without hesitation she said yes.  

Can we search our hearts and honestly assess if we would be as humble?  As willing to say yes to whatever we are assigned to bring God glory?  And not only say yes, but trust Him and park in that peace that passes understanding?  Would we walk right into the fiery furnace having the only comfort we need–that we are glorifying Him and He is right there with us no matter the outcome?  Will we recognize the moment(s) we were created for?

Happy Birthday Mistie and thank you for letting me share your story. Love you beautiful girl!!

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