
If we as Christians, walking in forgiveness of every wrong committed-even the really, really horrible ones; if we somehow convey or even worse somehow falsely believe that there are sins worse than ours, sins that somehow aren’t quite covered by His blood, sins that His SUFFICIENT grace does not pardon–how will we draw others to Him? If we heap shame and condemnation upon what the enemy…

has already burdened one to carry, where is the light? The hope? The freedom? If we are promoting the same message as the enemy, how will Christ look different to anyone? Where is the message of forgiveness and salvation amidst judgement, shame, condemnation, self righteousness? We cannot believe the Bible for its standards of morality and ignore the message of grace and the truth that no one is righteous, not one! We are not the main character–He is! We can’t be too bad or mess up too much that He is not greater still-us or ANYONE else. His gift is for all. Let’s walk in truth and freedom promoting the grace, love, truth and freedom He offers, because anything less is a lie and the work of the enemy.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in your weaknesses. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9


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