
…and so we stay. We stay in our destructive habits and behaviors, even though they hurt others and even ourselves.

We stay because its familiar, because it’s comfortable. Oh sure, we have tried change for a minute or two…and it’s nice. It offers peace, it offers a new perspective, it offers hope–but it is work. It takes work to defeat who we have been, how we have behaved, the lies we have believed, the habits we have mindlessly had for years…and that’s hard. Ugly, painful, intentional, surrendering hard work.

The enemy often convinces us its too hard…and we give up without even realizing it. We continue to self destruct and harm those in our path. God wants so much more for us….so much more. He sees potential in us that we don’t even recognize.

He has given us His Word to outline everything from how we treat others, our priorities, family management, marriage, EVERYTHING…it’s all in there. There are guidelines for freedom from ourselves, if you will. Freedom in His love and grace.

He promises He is doing a new thing when we give our lives to Him–have we allowed that? Has accepting His grace changed you? Has it not only changed your life but the lives of those around you? Has it changed your priorities? Has it changed how you love? Who you love?

Let’s not allow the enemy to convince us it’s too hard. He wants to keep us stranded…no more learning, no more growing, no more effective for Him and His Kingdom than we have been…all to stay parked in our comfort zones; even if it’s destructive to ourselves, to others…and ultimately ineffective for Him.

It’s futile to pray for rescue, to pray for freedom, to pray for relief in a different set of circumstances and yet be unwilling to move.

The Lord our God said to us, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey, and go…”. Deut. 1:6


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