The Thrill of Hope

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Christmas!  And we are excited! We are aching for something that embodies celebration, giving, loving, friends and family.  Christmas and all that it entails ushers in some normalcy, some tradition, some pattern and routine orchestrated annually.  

Each year presents it’s own tribulations but this year-it certainly seems like an abundance.  This has been a heavy season in most of our lives.  A virus has put into motion events we never saw coming.  We have been asked to stay home, some employers have had temporary shutdowns and some have had to close their doors permanently.   We are wearing masks most of the time our eyes are open and we are away from home.  We have sacrificed gathering with friends and family.  Virtual school has become a new normal.  Countless church services have been live streamed.  Many of us have been allowed to work from home temporarily or long term.  

In addition to all those new normals, we have endured suffering.  Some have suffered financially.  Some have struggled with their mental health hindered by not having in person fellowship with others.  Still others have battled the virus some with minimal symptoms and others not surviving.  Many have lost people we love in this Pandemic due to the virus and even other reasons; a traditional memorial service and even grieving has looked very different.  

This year has been heavy, challenging and exhausting.  If we have learned anything, I hope it’s that we are grateful for the many things that seemed ordinary that we most likely took for granted.  It has been revealed that any control we think we have is an absolute illusion and everything can change in a hot second.  And hopefully, we have gleaned that God can be trusted to be an ever present help in times of trouble.  He never forsakes us.

Amidst all this chaos, I have seen some absolutely beautiful things.  I have seen people get very creative with ways to love others.  Drive by birthday celebrations, zoom gatherings, quarantine karaoke and pay it forward social media pages have been birthed.  Friends have shared videos of cooking, of dancing, of their families playing games and laughing.  There are some definite blessings in this journey through the Pandemic Valley.  

It seems universally everyone is excited about Christmas this year.  Maybe it’s something “normal” we can cling to, maybe it’s freedom to participate in the hustle and bustle and giving.  Maybe it’s the distraction of decorating, wrapping, and shopping.  Maybe it’s the most wonderful time of the year and nothing can truly make that untrue.   Or maybe it’s something more…

Maybe it’s the thrill of hope.  My favorite Christmas song is O’ Holy Night.  The lyrics unravel me every single time.  My husband and I bought a tree today.  Our holidays are much different as empty nesters than they have been most of our life.  There’s not much need for a tree, really.  We generally don’t buy gifts and there’s no 4:00 am wake ups anymore in anticipation of what is under the tree.  I have handed down most of our children’s handmade ornaments to them so even decorating is quite different.  It’s minimal.  So as we ventured out to spin the trees and choose our favorite, I wondered, what is all the excitement about?   Not just for us, but in general.  

Obviously, it’s not the tree itself, or the decorations or even the gifts since we have surrendered that tradition.  While I was pondering, the song lyrics entered my mind…the thrill of hope.  Who could not benefit from the thrill of hope this year?  I mean anytime is fabulous, but this year especially?  Who is hoping for an end to this Pandemic?  Who is hoping for some “normal” again (whatever that may look like)?  Who is hoping for some financial relief?  Who is hoping for healing for their own ailments or sufferings of those they love?  Who is hoping for an end to this valley?  

And who is thrilled at the possibilities of what all those hopes may look like?  At this point, we know we have zero control so we aren’t even trying to orchestrate it all–we will fling our hope doors wide open and say, “Do what You do, God!”  Oddly enough, this resembles a surrender of sorts.  Can we just take a few minutes to park in the freedom that fosters; the release of our imaginary control; the weight of releasing the burden of trying to know before we know?  Don’t miss how wonderful this moment is.  

Thrill is defined as the feeling of excitement.  The definition of hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  We often forget we have fresh new beginnings each day, each minute.  There is something overwhelming exciting about the expectancy of a whole new year of new beginnings and fresh possibilities.  The thrill of hope for what’s next, for what may unfold, for what joy may transpire.  

Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,  20 where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.

Father God, I pray this holiday season brings us fresh perspective. I pray we are all able to recognize the hope we cling to, the hope that is You. May we continue to trust You in new ways as we have been learning to do most of this year and may we be reminded how You have been faithful in countless ways. Continue to escort us to freedom that can be found in no other place except surrender to You, Lord. Open our eyes and hearts and minds to life abundantly found in that exact place. Stir each of our hearts with the thrill of hope, the thrill of new vision, the thrill of trusting Your plans, the thrill of following You. Continue to make us new…In Jesus’ precious name, I ask these things according to Your Will…amen.


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