Truth is…

The truth is…I wanted to be the exception. I wanted the marriage that my husband adored me and we were together forever. I wanted a happy family, still intact at graduations and marriages of the children. I wanted to defy the odds.

The truth is, when that didn’t happen, I still wanted to be the exception. I wanted to be the single mom who was able to keep it all together. I wanted to be their mom and their dad when he wasn’t around. I wanted to believe if I loved my kids enough, they wouldn’t hurt and be wounded like most children of divorce. Somewhere in my mind, I must have believed that I alone could somehow represent the “team” that parents do, that united front, that two are better than one kind of thing–alone–really?

The truth is I wanted to believe I would have teenagers who make good grades, never cuss, who are rock solid in the Christian faith, who are ALWAYS loving and considerate and who are cooperative and pleasant because, after all, I was a good mom, right? Truth is, I longed to be the exception, I longed for my story to be different from others, I think mostly to avoid the hurt and the trials. When my fairy-tale was shattered, I was determined to still strive to be the exception when it came to a broken home. I was functioning in my own strength. I wanted a happy, easy life.

My truth was fantasy. The real truth is God had other plans. The real truth is, my marriage was no different than anyone else’s–we were both flawed, wounded and broken. The truth is, after our marriage fell apart, I was even more wounded and broken and in no possible way could I be alone what two people are meant to be together. Truth is, I am flawed, I mess up everyday.

The truth is–I cannot be “good enough” to make it all turn out ok. The truth is my kids have and still do hurt, they have been wounded, they do say bad words from time to time and …they have both questioned and still do question their faith.

God’s truth is, He has a plan. He is going to use all this for all of our good and not one thing has taken Him by surprise. The truth is, it’s in the trials, in the less than perfect times, in the times when we have to surrender that we grow and learn 🙂 The truth is sometimes, we have to get out of our own way. The truth is, God is in control and He has shown me over and over and over that He is always working things out, whether it’s apparent to my limited vision or not. The truth is, when we get through it and we are able to look back and see what God did–we wouldn’t go back and change a thing!

#nakedhonesty #Histruth #romans828


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