About Marla

As I work on creating this website, it all feels surreal. I have wanted to write for several years and have penned my thoughts in various notebooks, electronic files and even shared with friends on social media…but this is a big step for me. I love words. I love studying. I love learning. I love exchanging perspectives and thoughts. I love thinking outside the box. And most importantly–I love Jesus and His truth.

A few years ago, I came to the end of myself. I realized my identity had been in my performance and fluctuated with feelings and the opinions of others. In a pit of despair, I owned the ugly truth that I had no idea who I really was. Oh sure, I had adopted plenty of lies that I allowed to define me all through my life, even back to childhood but those were no longer working for me. I admitted I didn’t have the answers, much less know how to find them. I sought Godly counsel…and God used her, His truth, His crazy grace and His boundless love to escort me into my true identity which has completely transformed my life.

I honestly don’t know a woman who has escaped battling insecurity, at least at some point in life and often, most of her life just like me. I am passionate about wanting this freedom for all women which drives me to share my journey with much transparency and also my studies that give me new perspective and clarity with regard to biblical truth.

May each post I share be used to speak to one, even one, to offer new lenses to look through with regard to our identity as children of the Most High King cultivating abundant life and freedom in Christ.