
Some days are monumentally hard. Some days drudge up yesterday’s trials that haven’t found their way to resolve. Other days present a new orchestration to trigger us into remembering the depth of a wound, bringing horrendous pain right back to the forefront of our hearts and minds. And still others take our breath and pushContinueContinue reading “Pressing”

Those People

Wondering today…if those people, you know the ones … the ones we have chosen to dislike maybe for no apparent reason, the ones who maybe know more about us than we are comfortable with, the ones who we have trouble truly loving as Jesus wants us to. The ones who, probably unknowingly to them, seemContinueContinue reading “Those People”

One Resolution

All the years we have pursued that which we thought would bring “happiness”; all the years we have pursued our own plans, ambitions and pleasures; all the years we have made our own plans and followed our own ways…if our plans were working so well, would we be so thrilled to get time behind us?ContinueContinue reading “One Resolution”

New Year Offering

As we prepare to say goodbye to another year, let’s consider something different than we’ve always done. Let’s ditch the resolutions!! You read right…let’s quit setting ourselves up for failure and exhausting ourselves trying to be perfect. This exercising every day, reading the Bible everyday, etc. The likelihood of us radically changing our lifestyle overnightContinueContinue reading “New Year Offering”

Imagine Being Mary…

Can you imagine being Mary?  Being the mother of Jesus? When Mary received the news, she only asked one question…How WILL this be since I am a virgin?  Not–this can’t be, how WILL this be.   She didn’t say, but I am not married.  She didn’t say, this is not what I had planned for myContinueContinue reading “Imagine Being Mary…”

Solitude and Scribe

And even when the enemy whispers repeatedly to me that I am alone, that no one understands, that I need to shrink back and withdrawal…and even when my mind recognizes his schemes and his lies, sometimes my heart is still deceived (Jer. 17:9).  This is a raw post, a scribbling of this place I amContinueContinue reading “Solitude and Scribe”

Wise Men Ponderings

I woke up this morning thinking about the wise men. I don’t believe I have ever given them much thought. Without studying, I let my mind ponder and wonder. I thought of their title of “kings” and all that that entails; power, status, authority. I thought of how they temporarily stepped away from life asContinueContinue reading “Wise Men Ponderings”

Holiday Expectations

Our family is dysfunctional. Truly, we all are, right? Our families are made up of flawed people trying to navigate this life the very best we can. The holidays seems to highlight and accentuate dysfunction-not necessarily invited, but showing up like an unexpected guest, nonetheless. This time of year always prompts me to share someContinueContinue reading “Holiday Expectations”