Measuring Ourselves

It’s never a good idea to take measure ourselves through the eyes of the joyless. -Unknown I heard this on a television show yesterday and thought it was such wisdom. All too often we have let others with condemning, critical spirits (the joyless) define our worth and identify. Others who haven’t healed and been setContinueContinue reading “Measuring Ourselves”

Love is Freedom

On my mind today…freedom. Freedom in Christ for me and for others. When we don’t allow others the same freedom we have been given, we impose unnecessary burdens on others and even ourselves. The expectation we place on others is often the bondage of performance based acceptance residing within our fallible selves. God’s Word says,ContinueContinue reading “Love is Freedom”


…and so we stay. We stay in our destructive habits and behaviors, even though they hurt others and even ourselves. We stay because its familiar, because it’s comfortable. Oh sure, we have tried change for a minute or two…and it’s nice. It offers peace, it offers a new perspective, it offers hope–but it is work.ContinueContinue reading “Stranded”