55 Lessons and Gems

As I approached my 55th birthday, I began pondering things I have gleaned throughout my earthly journey. Lessons and gems I have learned, often the hard way, or gathered in retrospect. And while I was reviewing my life, I decided to note what I would have liked to share with my younger self. This isContinueContinue reading “55 Lessons and Gems”


Each of us can instantly think of a time or many times when someone has caused us pain.  Being the victim of someone else’s behavior seems to readily come to our minds and we can sometimes even park there; sometimes for far too long.   Are we as apt to consider the times we ourselves haveContinueContinue reading “Casualties”

The Reset Button

In the midst of navigating this Pandemic, I can’t help but acknowledge some really good things are happening. I have seen an abundance of posts that make me smile as I scroll through social media. Families are dancing together, playing games together and laughing together. My friends are posting cooking videos and asking others what’sContinueContinue reading “The Reset Button”

Solitude and Scribe

And even when the enemy whispers repeatedly to me that I am alone, that no one understands, that I need to shrink back and withdrawal…and even when my mind recognizes his schemes and his lies, sometimes my heart is still deceived (Jer. 17:9).  This is a raw post, a scribbling of this place I amContinueContinue reading “Solitude and Scribe”