The Thrill of Hope

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Christmas!  And we are excited! We are aching for something that embodies celebration, giving, loving, friends and family.  Christmas and all that it entails ushers in some normalcy, some tradition, some pattern and routine orchestrated annually.   Each year presents it’s own tribulations but this year-it certainly seems likeContinueContinue reading “The Thrill of Hope”

Imagine Being Mary…

Can you imagine being Mary?  Being the mother of Jesus? When Mary received the news, she only asked one question…How WILL this be since I am a virgin?  Not–this can’t be, how WILL this be.   She didn’t say, but I am not married.  She didn’t say, this is not what I had planned for myContinueContinue reading “Imagine Being Mary…”

Wise Men Ponderings

I woke up this morning thinking about the wise men. I don’t believe I have ever given them much thought. Without studying, I let my mind ponder and wonder. I thought of their title of “kings” and all that that entails; power, status, authority. I thought of how they temporarily stepped away from life asContinueContinue reading “Wise Men Ponderings”