
I keep visiting this place, this place of no hours unscheduled, functioning on only fumes of exhaustion, indulging in over commitment, desperately gazing into the future for some anticipated rest.  I have navigated this destination far too many times.  I zoom past the caution signs, I ignore the  dashboard warning lights, I even dismiss myContinueContinue reading “Flatlining”


Each of us can instantly think of a time or many times when someone has caused us pain.  Being the victim of someone else’s behavior seems to readily come to our minds and we can sometimes even park there; sometimes for far too long.   Are we as apt to consider the times we ourselves haveContinueContinue reading “Casualties”


I unexpectedly became overwhelmed with sadness.  As I paused and tried to gather my emotions, I scrolled my thoughts.  What had provoked this onset of pools in my eyes? Let’s be honest, the last couple weeks have evolved into so many unexpecteds!  Most of us have never seen circumstances like the ones we are navigatingContinueContinue reading “Clinging”