
I keep visiting this place, this place of no hours unscheduled, functioning on only fumes of exhaustion, indulging in over commitment, desperately gazing into the future for some anticipated rest.  I have navigated this destination far too many times.  I zoom past the caution signs, I ignore the  dashboard warning lights, I even dismiss myContinueContinue reading “Flatlining”

Truth is…

The truth is…I wanted to be the exception. I wanted the marriage that my husband adored me and we were together forever. I wanted a happy family, still intact at graduations and marriages of the children. I wanted to defy the odds. The truth is, when that didn’t happen, I still wanted to be theContinueContinue reading “Truth is…”

Love is…

It’s the eve of our anniversary…and so love is on my mind. I’m thinking of all the things the world tells us love is-in movies, songs, media of all sorts and even how we internalize those untruths as actual truth. We are told love is this completing of someone or even ourselves. We are toldContinueContinue reading “Love is…”


Playing worship music before my feet hit the floor this morning, the song begins: here I am, down on my knees again; surrendering all…surrendering all.  The lyrics triggered several thoughts in my mind one of which is why don’t I kneel more when I pray?  Why don’t I begin each day with this song onContinueContinue reading “Kneeling”

The Thrill of Hope

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Christmas!  And we are excited! We are aching for something that embodies celebration, giving, loving, friends and family.  Christmas and all that it entails ushers in some normalcy, some tradition, some pattern and routine orchestrated annually.   Each year presents it’s own tribulations but this year-it certainly seems likeContinueContinue reading “The Thrill of Hope”

Measuring Ourselves

It’s never a good idea to take measure ourselves through the eyes of the joyless. -Unknown I heard this on a television show yesterday and thought it was such wisdom. All too often we have let others with condemning, critical spirits (the joyless) define our worth and identify. Others who haven’t healed and been setContinueContinue reading “Measuring Ourselves”

Love is Freedom

On my mind today…freedom. Freedom in Christ for me and for others. When we don’t allow others the same freedom we have been given, we impose unnecessary burdens on others and even ourselves. The expectation we place on others is often the bondage of performance based acceptance residing within our fallible selves. God’s Word says,ContinueContinue reading “Love is Freedom”


…and so we stay. We stay in our destructive habits and behaviors, even though they hurt others and even ourselves. We stay because its familiar, because it’s comfortable. Oh sure, we have tried change for a minute or two…and it’s nice. It offers peace, it offers a new perspective, it offers hope–but it is work.ContinueContinue reading “Stranded”

55 Lessons and Gems

As I approached my 55th birthday, I began pondering things I have gleaned throughout my earthly journey. Lessons and gems I have learned, often the hard way, or gathered in retrospect. And while I was reviewing my life, I decided to note what I would have liked to share with my younger self. This isContinueContinue reading “55 Lessons and Gems”

Love Him, Love Others

For the past several weeks, I have watched friends endlessly share information to educate and passionately plea with their social media audience to consider their perspective regarding current events. I have also watched scripture be shared attempting to coerce readers to choose truth and righteousness in the midst of our country’s chaos. A wealth ofContinueContinue reading “Love Him, Love Others”