Truth is…

The truth is…I wanted to be the exception. I wanted the marriage that my husband adored me and we were together forever. I wanted a happy family, still intact at graduations and marriages of the children. I wanted to defy the odds. The truth is, when that didn’t happen, I still wanted to be theContinueContinue reading “Truth is…”


In full transparency, I want to share that something I have been asking God to help me with is to be mindful of the leading of the Holy Spirit and for him also to help me surrender my own leading (ugh!). I don’t know about you, but I feel like so much of our daysContinueContinue reading “Ushering”

Love is…

It’s the eve of our anniversary…and so love is on my mind. I’m thinking of all the things the world tells us love is-in movies, songs, media of all sorts and even how we internalize those untruths as actual truth. We are told love is this completing of someone or even ourselves. We are toldContinueContinue reading “Love is…”

The Thrill of Hope

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Christmas!  And we are excited! We are aching for something that embodies celebration, giving, loving, friends and family.  Christmas and all that it entails ushers in some normalcy, some tradition, some pattern and routine orchestrated annually.   Each year presents it’s own tribulations but this year-it certainly seems likeContinueContinue reading “The Thrill of Hope”