Truth is…

The truth is…I wanted to be the exception. I wanted the marriage that my husband adored me and we were together forever. I wanted a happy family, still intact at graduations and marriages of the children. I wanted to defy the odds. The truth is, when that didn’t happen, I still wanted to be theContinueContinue reading “Truth is…”

Love is…

It’s the eve of our anniversary…and so love is on my mind. I’m thinking of all the things the world tells us love is-in movies, songs, media of all sorts and even how we internalize those untruths as actual truth. We are told love is this completing of someone or even ourselves. We are toldContinueContinue reading “Love is…”

The Thrill of Hope

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Christmas!  And we are excited! We are aching for something that embodies celebration, giving, loving, friends and family.  Christmas and all that it entails ushers in some normalcy, some tradition, some pattern and routine orchestrated annually.   Each year presents it’s own tribulations but this year-it certainly seems likeContinueContinue reading “The Thrill of Hope”

55 Lessons and Gems

As I approached my 55th birthday, I began pondering things I have gleaned throughout my earthly journey. Lessons and gems I have learned, often the hard way, or gathered in retrospect. And while I was reviewing my life, I decided to note what I would have liked to share with my younger self. This isContinueContinue reading “55 Lessons and Gems”

Love Him, Love Others

For the past several weeks, I have watched friends endlessly share information to educate and passionately plea with their social media audience to consider their perspective regarding current events. I have also watched scripture be shared attempting to coerce readers to choose truth and righteousness in the midst of our country’s chaos. A wealth ofContinueContinue reading “Love Him, Love Others”


Each of us can instantly think of a time or many times when someone has caused us pain.  Being the victim of someone else’s behavior seems to readily come to our minds and we can sometimes even park there; sometimes for far too long.   Are we as apt to consider the times we ourselves haveContinueContinue reading “Casualties”

Notions of Self

Can we take some time to talk about the latest cultural lie in seeking fulfillment?  I see post after post about it on social media.  I encounter many who are desperately pursuing it when we meet for counseling sessions.  The enemy has pulled another scheme out of his pocket and we are lining up inContinueContinue reading “Notions of Self”


I unexpectedly became overwhelmed with sadness.  As I paused and tried to gather my emotions, I scrolled my thoughts.  What had provoked this onset of pools in my eyes? Let’s be honest, the last couple weeks have evolved into so many unexpecteds!  Most of us have never seen circumstances like the ones we are navigatingContinueContinue reading “Clinging”

Still You Pursue…

I’ve been thinking a lot about this statement that comes from one of my very favorite songs, “You Don’t Miss A Thing”. why would God continue to chase after me even though i am constantly running from him? why would He want someone so hateful, relentless, and broken? someone who chases things that are fullContinueContinue reading “Still You Pursue…”