Love is Freedom

On my mind today…freedom. Freedom in Christ for me and for others. When we don’t allow others the same freedom we have been given, we impose unnecessary burdens on others and even ourselves. The expectation we place on others is often the bondage of performance based acceptance residing within our fallible selves. God’s Word says,ContinueContinue reading “Love is Freedom”

Love Him, Love Others

For the past several weeks, I have watched friends endlessly share information to educate and passionately plea with their social media audience to consider their perspective regarding current events. I have also watched scripture be shared attempting to coerce readers to choose truth and righteousness in the midst of our country’s chaos. A wealth ofContinueContinue reading “Love Him, Love Others”


If we as Christians, walking in forgiveness of every wrong committed-even the really, really horrible ones; if we somehow convey or even worse somehow falsely believe that there are sins worse than ours, sins that somehow aren’t quite covered by His blood, sins that His SUFFICIENT grace does not pardon–how will we draw others toContinueContinue reading “Sufficient”


Each of us can instantly think of a time or many times when someone has caused us pain.  Being the victim of someone else’s behavior seems to readily come to our minds and we can sometimes even park there; sometimes for far too long.   Are we as apt to consider the times we ourselves haveContinueContinue reading “Casualties”

Notions of Self

Can we take some time to talk about the latest cultural lie in seeking fulfillment?  I see post after post about it on social media.  I encounter many who are desperately pursuing it when we meet for counseling sessions.  The enemy has pulled another scheme out of his pocket and we are lining up inContinueContinue reading “Notions of Self”

The Reset Button

In the midst of navigating this Pandemic, I can’t help but acknowledge some really good things are happening. I have seen an abundance of posts that make me smile as I scroll through social media. Families are dancing together, playing games together and laughing together. My friends are posting cooking videos and asking others what’sContinueContinue reading “The Reset Button”

Those People

Wondering today…if those people, you know the ones … the ones we have chosen to dislike maybe for no apparent reason, the ones who maybe know more about us than we are comfortable with, the ones who we have trouble truly loving as Jesus wants us to. The ones who, probably unknowingly to them, seemContinueContinue reading “Those People”