Truth is…

The truth is…I wanted to be the exception. I wanted the marriage that my husband adored me and we were together forever. I wanted a happy family, still intact at graduations and marriages of the children. I wanted to defy the odds. The truth is, when that didn’t happen, I still wanted to be theContinueContinue reading “Truth is…”

55 Lessons and Gems

As I approached my 55th birthday, I began pondering things I have gleaned throughout my earthly journey. Lessons and gems I have learned, often the hard way, or gathered in retrospect. And while I was reviewing my life, I decided to note what I would have liked to share with my younger self. This isContinueContinue reading “55 Lessons and Gems”

Solitude and Scribe

And even when the enemy whispers repeatedly to me that I am alone, that no one understands, that I need to shrink back and withdrawal…and even when my mind recognizes his schemes and his lies, sometimes my heart is still deceived (Jer. 17:9).  This is a raw post, a scribbling of this place I amContinueContinue reading “Solitude and Scribe”