Love is Freedom

On my mind today…freedom. Freedom in Christ for me and for others. When we don’t allow others the same freedom we have been given, we impose unnecessary burdens on others and even ourselves. The expectation we place on others is often the bondage of performance based acceptance residing within our fallible selves. God’s Word says,ContinueContinue reading “Love is Freedom”

55 Lessons and Gems

As I approached my 55th birthday, I began pondering things I have gleaned throughout my earthly journey. Lessons and gems I have learned, often the hard way, or gathered in retrospect. And while I was reviewing my life, I decided to note what I would have liked to share with my younger self. This isContinueContinue reading “55 Lessons and Gems”


If we as Christians, walking in forgiveness of every wrong committed-even the really, really horrible ones; if we somehow convey or even worse somehow falsely believe that there are sins worse than ours, sins that somehow aren’t quite covered by His blood, sins that His SUFFICIENT grace does not pardon–how will we draw others toContinueContinue reading “Sufficient”